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Original watercolor of trek

An Illustrated Chapter Book
 in Full-Color
for children from 6-11
and all who enjoy
animal and adventure stories.

Baby gorilla reaching for Ellie's sunglasses

Follow the adventures of Jamani,

a resourceful, young girl from

rural Rwanda, who unexpectedly finds

herself trekking up a volcano in hopes of having

an encounter with endangered mountain gorillas.



She faces daunting obstacles as she travels along

with a pair of colorful American grandmothers.

The zany grannies keep things entertaining as

they encounter one challenge after another,

and their goal to reach the gorillas

is in constant jeopardy.


Cover of book with 3 cute gorillas and Jamani

"Jamani's Lucky Day" Logo Creation by Anthony Hugar

Young children will enjoy listening to the fast-paced story
while looking at the beautiful illustrations.

Older children will discover fascinating facts about
the endangered gorillas as they read the
adventures of this unusual trio.

                    Reviews from Our Readers:


                                       "This book is a real winner to be enjoyed by children and adults! 

                                    Sweet story, beautiful illustrations and filled with fun facts.

                                        A page turner and wonderful to read with your child." ~ Peter M. 


"This unusual, well written book filled with factual gorilla information,

African proverbs, a fun story and beautiful illustrations make it one not to miss.

My 7-year-old grandson loved it!" ~ Linda Molvar, Masters Library Science


 "Jamani's Lucky Day is simply a charming, witty and educational book.

It both entertains and enlightens young children about the magnificent creatures

while bringing smiles to their faces with all the funny anecdotes." ~ Kitten Lover


"This book is educational, but it's also SO enjoyable to read, for all ages.

The story is exciting, the illustrations are beautiful,

and book sales support a very worthwhile cause!  

~ Marcia Enger


My children (6 and 8) loved that Jamani's Lucky Day is a chapter book

and that many of the chapters are short and end with a "cliff-hanger". 

Jamani's Lucky Day is a must read for anyone that loves animals and adventure.

An added bonus is that the profits will help save

the endangered gorillas in Africa! ~ Mike Connor


"Jamani's Lucky Day" is a delightful book - even for adults! ~ Nancy Wolcott

Eleanor Jamani jpeg.jpg

Ordering Information

Hardcover :  Only available directly
from the authors for $21.99 + tax.

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If desired, the authors will sign and/or write a personal message to the recipient.

Softcover : Available directly from the authors
for $14.99 + tax.

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Unsigned softcover books are also available on Amazon by clicking this link:


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The Story Behind the Story

Ellie and Pam After Gorilla Trek


Pam Marck and Ellie Fernands are educators

who had an adventure of a lifetime on a gorilla trek in Rwanda.

They met shortly after retiring and became "besties"

when they discovered a shared passion for travel and animals.

They found that they'd even had similar meaningful experiences

interacting with giant sea turtles in Maui. 


An exciting vision was born when Pam asked Ellie,

“How would you like to go to Africa to visit the endangered mountain gorillas?”

It seemed to be an ambitious and somewhat unrealistic dream,

but with the help of Casey O’Connell from Treks 2 Rwanda,

a personalized tour was arranged.

Before they knew it, they were on their way to

the only place on earth where the mountain gorillas live!










When they returned from their adventure, Ellie and Pam told everyone who would listen

about their experiences with the gorillas and the beautiful people of Rwanda!

They'd both had life-long careers inspiring children to read,

so they decided to write a book based on their adventures.


Even though the authors' story is a work of fiction, many facts and experiences

from their amazing gorilla trek are woven throughout the story.

To add cultural authenticity, African proverbs are also included.

The characters are fictional. Any resemblance to persons,

living or deceased, is purely coincidental. 


The appendix contains photos, fun facts and other non-fiction information.



Map of Africa
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